Computers and Internet

There are 10 public access computers available for use (1 children’s computer, 6 desktop computers and 3 laptops).

We provide free Wi-Fi access, regardless of library card ownership.

Printing, Copying, and Faxing

Printing is available from our desktop computers, and we have one public access copier.
Black & white printing/copying – 15¢ a page
Color printing/copying- 35¢ a page

We also offer faxing at the same rate. Ask an employee at the front desk for help with faxing.


Using our copier, you can scan documents to an email address. We also have a small scanner attached to one of our public access computers, if you would like to scan a document to the computer directly. Scanning is free.

Tax Documents

Beginning in February of each year, you can get 1040 Instruction Booklets and 1040 Forms at the library. We cannot provide any tax assistance.

Inter-Library Loan

If you’re interested in a book, DVD, or audiobook that we do not have in our catalog, we can request it from another library through a process called inter-library loan. Simply tell a staff member either in person or over the phone that you would like to place an inter-library loan request, providing the title and author.